We make decisions constantly throughout the day. Avoiding a few early on may reduce stress but soon we are in full swing of our day and need our brain to be functioning effectively to help us perform at our best. Many decisions are easy, others not so much, depending on the impact or consequence of our decision. How we make decisions is important...
Read MoreThere is no better time than NOW to focus on your mental health. I like to think of it as training, like what you do for physical fitness, our mental fitness is just as important. In this months blog I share what I do for my mental health to improve, support, and keep it in check. You can also find other free resources available…
Read MoreEmotions come first, non-consciously – they are signals on what is happening for you. You need to express self-compassion and accept your emotions for what they are with no harsh judgment on yourself. There are several different ways we can take a proactive approach to help our mindset…
Read MoreDo you find yourself comparing yourself to others? Bringing feelings of anxiety, and fear that you are NOT… doing enough, good enough, old enough, the list can go on and on for miles. These feeling arise quickly, easily and stay for a long time when we get stuck comparing ourselves to others. It strips away any type of happiness and leaves you feeling down and out. Why?
Read MoreI believe in coaching, the difference it makes to peoples lives and how good it feels to have someone truly listen. Amazing progress can be made by simply listening, hearing what it said and sometimes what is not said, asking powerful questions, digging a little deeper, stretching, thinking outside the box…
Read MoreOur brains are conditioned to survive, part of this survival is linked with human connection. In prehistoric times we would seek company to support and protect ourselves and our offspring. We are hard-wired and conditioned to believe that we need to be surrounded by others to survive. Here are our tips to surviving isolation…
Read MoreIt’s the beginning of a new decade, a new year and we are already one month down. I am all for vision boards, goal setting, visualising the next decade worth of goals… but at some stage a solid plan needs to be laid out and then hard work comes into effect – these things will not just happen on their own. DO NOT SET GOALS if you are not ready…
Read MoreCommunication is key to any organisation, without it you might get lucky and still function for a while if you have high performing people that take pride in their role but they will soon fall silent and not stick around for too long. If you want to focus on developing your communication skills, these areas are a good place to start…
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